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RePEc plagiarism accused offender: Sylvester Jatta


Name: Sylvester Jatta
Affiliation at time of decision: unknown


Note: some links may turn invalid over time, especially if the committee has requested some works to be pulled.

Sylvester Jatta, 2013. Labour Market Activities of Rural Households in developing countries MPRA working paper 46543 (local copy)

Paul Winters, Ana Paula de la O, Esteban J. Quiñones, Thomas Hertz, Benjamin Davis, Alberto Zezza, Katia Covarrubias and Kostas Stamoulis, 2008. Rural Wage Employment in Developing Countries (local copy)

The first is copy of the second, except for slight wordsmithing.

Response of accused offender

Sylvester Jatta did not respond to a sollication for comment.

Committee decision

YES Notification of offender superiors
YES Notification of editor published plagiarising work
YES Request of removal of plagiarising work
YES Notification of afflicted author(s)
YES Notification of afflicted editor
YES Banning of author from RePEc Author Service
YES Publication on RePEc plagiarism page

Further developments

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